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Wyndham Park Nursery School


Special educational needs are described by the Special Education Needs Code of Practice as falling into four areas.

These are:

  • Communication and interaction
  • Cognition and learning
  • Behaviour, emotional and social development
  • Sensory and/or physical.

In our Nursery school we make provision for pupils who have a variety of different needs.  We know that some pupils will have difficulties in more than one of these areas and we will always do our best to meet their needs. The actual support will be based on the specific needs of each pupil. This can include a variety of adaptions including changes to the physical environment, changes to teaching styles as well as levels of adult support. 

Driffa Jenkins is our SENDCo and you can contact her by ringing the school office on 01476 563966, emailing or calling in to school where we will make an appointment that is convenient to you. Please note that Driffa does not work every day so there may be a short wait for her to get in touch with you.

As well as specific support for identified children, we offer generalised support within nursery.  If your child has difficulty with producing speech sounds, he/she may spend individual time with a suitably trained member of staff.  Alternatively he/she may join a group focusing on the understanding and use of language or a nurture group aimed at encouraging social skills.  We also plan small group activities for our children who have English as an additional language.  Our universal provision map highlights which children will receive additional help during the week.  Every child in our nursery is valued as an individual, whatever their needs might be.

Please see our policy page for specific documents