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Wyndham Park Nursery School

Staying Safe

We take the safety of our children extremely seriously at Wyndham Park Nursery School. You can find out about our safeguarding policies and some useful e-safety information by clicking the links on the left.

We also help children to keep themselves safe through our practical curriculum where we learn about how to take care of ourselves and wash our hands, how to play nicely with each other and share, we know how to stay safe on our park walks.  We have a road safety week where we learn about staying safe in our local area and we do lots of cooking so we know how to stay safe in the kitchen.

If you are worried about your child or any other children then please come in and speak to us straight away or contact Lincolnshire Children Safeguarding Board on 01522 782111.  

If you have any safeguarding concerns about children you can talk to:

Holly Stock-Cheekooree   -  Designated Safeguarding Lead

Laura Cook -  Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Laura Crawford - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead -for LMNSF

Penny Fox    -  Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead